Making the Quilt Block
For Fabric requirements, visit the Main Quilt Along Page
Cutting out the Colored Fabric
First, decide whether you are doing the scrappy version or solid version. We decided to do a spiraling rainbow for our quilt top. You could alternate a few colors, do stripes, checkerboard, really anything!
If you are going scrappy, cut each of the pieces from scraps large enough. If you are using one piece of fabric for the colored sections, follow the diagram below.
For each block you will need:
2 @ 3 3/4" square
24 @ 3" square
1/4 Yard Cut
Fat Quarter

Cutting out the Background Fabric:
Tip: Cut a strip the width of the fabric matching the first measurement. Cut pieces as needed, then cut down the remaining strip for the next piece. Cut the strip the width of the first number if not square (ie for the 3 x 5 1/2" cut strips 3" x WOF, then cut them into the 5 1/2" rectangles).
24 @ 3 3/4"
96 @ 3 x 5 1/2"
96 @ 3" square
48 @ 2 x 5 1/2"
48 @ 2 x 4"
Each section will be 5 1/2" unfinished
Making the Center Quilt Block
- Lay 1 - 3 3/4" white square on top of 1 - 3 3/4" colored square
- Draw a line from corner to corner
- Sew 1/4" on both sides of the line
- Cut on line. Press
- Trim to 3" HSTs
- Repeat once to make 4 HSTs
Layout the blocks following the diagram below. Sew the top squares together, sew the bottom squares together, so both halves together.

Making the Top and Side Quilt Blocks
- Place 1 - 3" colored square on the corner of 1 - 3 x 5 1/2" background strip
- Draw a line from corner to corner
- Sew directly on the line
- Trim 1/4" from the line
- Press open
- Place another 3" colored square on the opposite corner of the background strip
- Draw a line from corner to corner
- Sew directly on the line
- Trim 1/4" from the line
- Press open
- Repeat to make 8 flying geese blocks
Layout 2 flying geese blocks following the diagram below. Sew together. Repeat to make 4 blocks.
Making the Corner Quilt Blocks
- Lay 1 - 3" white square on top of 1 - 3" colored square
- Draw a line from corner to corner
- Sew 1/4" on both sides of the line
- Cut on line. Press
- Trim to 2 1/4" HSTs
- Repeat with 7 more sets to make 16 HST
Layout the 4 HSTs following the diagram below. Sew the top two blocks together, sew the bottom two blocks together, then sew the two halves together.
Sew the 2 x 4" strip to the side of the block. Sew the 2 x 5 1/2" strip to the bottom of the block.
Layout the Quilt Block
The final quilt block is now a nine patch. Layout the sections following the diagram below.
Sew the top row together, the middle row together, and the bottom row togehter.
Sew each row together in order. Press.
Repeat to make 12 blocks total.
Any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
Happy Quilting
Kimie and Missy