I love quilting and creating. While people can be quick to make comments about those that put out Christmas decorations early, if making a quilt or craft project, starting and finishing them months early is looked upon with admiration! This year, we are way ahead of the curve and already snuggling under our Christmas quilt. I intend to fully enjoy it all season.

When we opened our box of Christmas fabrics we weren't sure what to expect but were thrilled to find a huge assortment of greens and reds with some gold and silver mixed in. Any quilt can quickly become a Christmas quilt if you simply make it in bright green and red fabric.

The fabrics were a giant mix of Michael Miller basics. We got Fairy Frost (full of glittery fun), Hash Dot, Cotton Couture, and a whole bunch more. We loved the assortment of different dot sizes as well. This adds more interest to the final project.

We wanted to use as many of the different fabrics as possible, so we cut our own set of 10" precuts and were able to get so many prints all in on project. Utilizing an accent color (in this case, the white), this quilt pattern utilizes most of the 10" square with very minimal waste and is super quick and easy to put together.

The full tutorial for this fun quilt will be on the blog tomorrow! You can grab your favorite layer cake pre-cut and sew right along with us. We used 36 different squares for a 57" square quilt, but if your set of pre-cuts has 42, you can add one more row. We'll have all the fabric requirements and details posted along with the video.
You don't have to just do Christmas fabrics. This free quilt pattern will work with any set of pre-cut 10" squares.

For the back of this project, we stuck with the scrappy theme and used big blocks of lots of different fabrics. We have 7 different fabrics on the back and it really just keeps the party going.

I kept the quilting simple, ribbon candies (cause old fashioned Christmas), some straight lines in the white, and triangles in the middle sections made this quilt finish up so easily. I had it on and off the frame in a couple of hours. You could easily replicate this quilting plan on your domestic sewing machine as well, it might just take a little longer without a longarm.

When confronted with a plethora of Christmas fabric, we couldn't stop as just a quilt. I have a soft spot for quilted stockings, and knew we needed a set! To make these stockings, we put together panels of different shapes. We wanted them all to be different. We opted for stripes, half square triangles, 60 degree triangles, and squares.
To put them together, we first made a panel of our desired design big enough for our stocking pattern. We cut out the front and back (don't forget to cut the back in reverse) and quilted them all up on one big backing. If you are using a domestic machine, it will probably be easier to do them individually, but if you have a longarm, loading them all at once makes it so easy! Some simple wavy lines and they were ready to sew together.

For the back, you can either make your panel big enough to cut two pieces, or go with a solid fabric. We did some of each.
We added a super soft furry cuff and these are ready for the mantle and to be filled will all sorts of goodies.
We love having a matching quilt and stockings. It's going to make for the cutest decor this holiday season.

Now that our Christmas project is done way ahead of schedule, I might just go get Christmas cards printed and sent off before December gets here! Since I usuallly barely get them out in time, everyone will be super impressed. What can I say, all this Christmas sewing has me in the mood for all things holiday.
Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the video tutorial and instructions to make your own 10" pre-cut quilt and until then,
Happy Quilting!
Kimie and Missy