Quilting Tutorials — Beginner Quilter
Checkmate Quilt Pattern
The perfect quilt to help reduce the size of your scrap bin.
Walking Foot Quilting for Beginners
Walking Foot Quilting for Beginners We are back with more walking foot quilting ideas! This week, we have picked out 3 grid based quilting designs that are perfect for the beginner quilter. If you have never quilted a quilt, or are new to walking foot quilting, choose one of these designs to get your feet wet. After you’ve practiced them, you can add on and alter them to create many different options. First a couple tips to keep in mind for walking foot quilting: It’s a walking foot, don’t try to go too fast. If you do, the fabric won’t...
How to Accurately Attach Quilt Borders
How to Accurately Attach Quilt Borders When we first started quilting, we’d finish a top, sew the border strips together, line it up along the edge of the quilt and add it. After it was sewn on, we’d trim it off to match. This was quick and easy, BUT, we noticed that most of our quilts had extra fabric and waves. The corners were never quite square. We assumed it was just the way that fabric stretches and pulls with no thought of the way we did the borders being an issue. I simply dealt with it during the quilting...
How to Resize a Quilt Block
How to Resize a Quilt Block Every once in a while, we fall in love with a block and want to be able to make it in all sorts of different sizes! This week, we are breaking down the steps you’ll need to take in order to resize blocks up, down, or sideways. Okay, maybe not sideways. The first thing to keep in mind, is we do not want to change the size of the 1/4″ seam. When dealing with square and rectangle pieces, before you change the size, subtract 1/2″ for the 1/4″ seam on both sides. Then we...
Kids Can Quilt! Bonus Lesson
Now that your quilt top is done, you are almost ready to snuggle up under it. Before you can do that though, we need to quilt it! What makes a quilt a quilt is fabric and batting all put together in three layers. Right now the top layer is done, so we are ready to add the other pieces. Backing and Batting Requirements When quilting a quilt, you want your backing and batting to be a few inches bigger than your quilt top. This will make sure you don’t run off an edge. For this quilt, you’ll want 1...